Did your client pay through your website or client portal, rather than the invoice you intended them to? Did they jump the gun and pay before you even sent the invoice? No sweat! Thryv Business Center makes it easy to associate an independent payment to an invoice. This guide assumes that the payment has already been made and the invoice has already been created. Click Here for a guide to taking payments, Or Here for a guide to creating invoices, if you need those first.
First, you'll need to navigate to the unassigned payment. You can do this on the Client Card or find it in Sales>Payments Received
One option is to navigate to Clients>Search for client>Payments>Payments received to find the unassociated payment
Alternatively, you can navigate to Sales>Payments Received>Search by client name or use filters and find the payment there
Once you've found and clicked on your payment, click on Assign Payment
A window will appear containing all open invoices for this client. Make sure the correct invoice is selected and click on Assign
High Thryver Tip: Be very careful to use the radio button to select the correct invoice, as this action can not be undone. A warning will display advising of this.
Once confirmed, you will be taken back to the payment, which will now reflect as paid against the selected invoice
If you navigate to the invoice, you will see the payment amount reflected on the total due of the invoice.
Can I assign a miscellaneous payment to an invoice when the payment amount is more than the amount due?
No, Thryv Business Center will not allow a client to overpay on an invoice. When assigning a payment, open payment requests smaller than the amount will not appear as an option.
If a client sends me one lump sum payment for multiple invoices due, can I "split" the payment and assign to each invoice?
No, once a payment is taken it can not be split. If you are trying to assign part of a payment to an invoice or booking, you would need to record as two (or more) payments so that you do not exceed the amount due.
Example: There are two open invoices for $500 each, so the client writes a check for $1000. The best practice is to pay $500 separately toward each invoice, since the payment can not be split
Can I assign more than one open payment to the same open invoice?
Yes. Each one will need to be done separately, and as stated above, can't go over the total amount due.
Are you looking to assign the miscellaneous payment as a deposit? Click Here for a guide to assigning deposits to invoices!