This article is for users that have a Thryv account. If you have do not have a Thryv account, go here for assistance.
ThryvPay Mobile App Guides:
App Settings | Create a Payment Request | Send a Payment Request |
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Send a Payment Request
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Send Payment Request via Email
Send Payment Request via SMS/Text
Payment Request via QR Code
You can choose to use the QR code by simply turning your phone around, have the customer use their camera on their phone to scan the QR code, they will be directed to enter in their cardholder details
- QR codes require the use of the consumer's camera app, or a QR code reader, or for Android a Google lens to view the payment request. It is best used when there is proper Wi-Fi access and or telephone service.
- Consumers mobile phones should have updated software IOS 11 or higher or Android 9 or higher
Send Payment Request via Email
You can also send the payment request via email by simply entering your customers email address and clicking the send payment request button.
- Your customer will be directed to enter the payment details
Send Payment Request via SMS/Text
You can also send the payment request via a Mobile SMS text message. Simply enter the customers mobile phone number and click send a payment request
- Your customer will receive a text message which directs them to enter their payment details
Scheduled Payment
If you wish to schedule the payment for later, or set up recurring, installment, or custom payment terms, click the Calendar icon in the top right corner of the app.
Once on the Scheduled Payment screen, you will be directed to choose the type of scheduled payment you would like to create.
- One time – scheduling a one-time payment for some time in the future
- One-time payment: simply select the date you want the payment to complete
- Recurring – The same payment amount over an extended period
- Recurring payments: select the frequency (daily, monthly, weekly etc.), the occurrence timing and the start date
- Installment – breaking the overall payment amount into smaller payment installments, i.e., deposits
- Installment – breaking the overall payment amount into smaller payment installments, i.e., deposits
- Custom – any custom payment and timing
The scheduled payment parameters that you selected will appear in your customer's payment request. Approval is deemed when they pay the request.
Congratulations, your payment request has been sent to the customer, the details provided are:
- Sender information (email or phone etc)
- Payment request date
- Amount of payment requested
- Payment Request ID #
- Scheduled payment terms being authorized
Other Payment methods
By selecting the tri-dots in the top right hand corner of any payment request, you can choose additional payment options
- Charge Now
- Key the customer's credit card or ACH account number details directly
- Offline Payment
- Record a payment that was not taken via ThryvPay, like cash or check for accounting purposes, and reporting only
- Share via Native App funcitonality
- Send to a contact, airdrop, mail, Facebook etc