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Recurring Invoicing


1 comment

  • Official comment
    Community Champion

    Hi Anne!

    This is a great question. You have a few options here to automate this process. 

    • The BEST way is to use ThryvPay and set up a recurring scheduled payment
      • Using ThryvPay will allow you to schedule payments for each customer. This process is a one-time setup for each customer where you can set the date, payment method, and frequency of the charges. The customer will automatically be charged and receive a receipt. However, an invoice would not be generated just a record of the payment received. Keep in mind this also wouldn't include cash/check payments if you want to allow those



    • A good way if someone is using the calendar is the auto-billing
      • Under settings > payments > autobilling. This feature will pull all booked services from the calendar and create invoices to send to customers. You can set the frequency (monthly) and the time of day. You will have the to option of sending a payment link, drafting an invoice to send, or creating an invoice to send the invoice to the client automatically.

    Hope this helps!



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