Listing Information
AnsweredScenario: Customer has two different businesses. If client has MC for one business. Sells it that business. And would like to update the current MC with second business information instead. Is that possible to start from scratch on listing information for a live MC? Or would have to cancel current MC and get new MC for 2nd business?
Official comment
Great question Sean! The user would have to cancel and re-purchase Marketing Center.
The reason for this is that the listing profile is tied to the business and the Marketing Center account and once this is done, there is not a way to separate. Attempting to "Transfer" the listing profile to a different business would cause confusion with listing publisher sites and end up damaging the business's online presence, which would be very difficult if not impossible to undo.
Remember, the user is able to export their information from Marketing Center by clicking on the export icon on each page.
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