Thryv Business Center™ gives the capability to require a digital signature from your clients in order to approve an estimate, which is saved for both you and your customer's records. Require signatures to ensure that your customer always approves a price before you start work.
Note: This article will assume you already know how to create an estimate. If you need a guide to creating estimates, Click Here
Article Contents:
How To Enable
To require signature to approve estimates, navigate to Settings>Payments>Invoices and Estimates. Scroll down to Estimate Terms & Conditions and check the box to require signatures for approval.
Note: When requiring a signature to approve estimates, it will retroactively apply to any estimates that have already been sent out and are not yet approved.
Require/Disable Signature for One Estimate Only
If you want to require a signature for a single estimate only, Click on Terms & Notes, in the drop-down, check the box saying estimate is required. In the same way, you can also uncheck this box to exempt an estimate from requiring a signature when this is set to default.
Customer Experience
Requiring a signature does not change the process for sending estimates. When the customer receives the estimate, they will be prompted to digitally sign when they approve by clicking in the box and dragging to make their signature.
After the customer signs and approves the estimate, it will be marked with a date stamp and a copy of their signature at the bottom.
To view the signed estimate from within Thryv Business Center, navigate to the estimate and click on View Estimate. It will display the estimate online the same way the client sees it.
You also can click on Download to create a PDF of the signed estimate, which can then be printed for a paper record.
Can I edit an estimate after it has been signed?
No, once an estimate is signed by the customer it is locked for editing. However, click on the Tri-Dots within the estimate and you can create a copy of the estimate. You can then make the necessary changes and re-send to the client.
Can I send an estimate requiring a signature to multiple clients?
While it is possible to copy the estimate link and send to multiple people so they can view it, the signature function will only appear for the original client the estimate was sent to when they are logged into your client portal.
What if the client does not sign their name in the box or their signature is not legible?
Any marking in the box constitutes a valid signature. As shown in the above question, the client has to be logged into the client portal with their email and password in order to access the signature page, which validates that it is indeed your client marking the estimate as approved. If you need additional details about the approval of your estimate you can contact support at 844-998-4798 or email
If you do wish to request the client sign more clearly, you do have the option to reject the estimate even after it is signed by clicking the Tri-Dots and Reject. You can then Copy and re-send the estimate with instructions to sign more clearly, if desired.
Is it a requirement to have signatures on my estimates?
No, the default setting is that signatures will not be required, and Thryv Business Center will only require them if you turn this feature on.
Can I require a signature on a single estimate only?