What is the difference between a 1 on 1 Appointment and a Group Event?
A 1 on 1 appointment is a service between 1 staff member and 1 client. | vs | A Group Event is a service between 1 staff member and multiple clients. |
A 1 on 1 appointment has available time frames, where the service is available to schedule. | vs | A Group Event has set time frames determined by the business. |
Can multiple staff members host an event?
At this time, only 1 staff member can be assigned to an event. Different staff members can host different event occurrences, but for each event, there can only be 1 staff member. (Kind of like Highlander.)
If I cancel an event, will it notify my clients?
Yes. A cancellation email will be sent to all registered clients for the event should the event be canceled.
Is the payment for the event due right away?
The system does not consider events set in the future as due. They fall into the not due yet category. On the day of the event, the payment is due. If the client registers for the event from your online scheduler or the invitation link, and the price for the event is required upfront, the client must submit payment to register for the event. If you (the business) register the client for an event with an upfront price, the notification to the client will include a pay button requesting payment for the event.
Is it possible for clients to register themselves for all events in a series?
A client can only register for an event one at a time. Only the business can register a client for a group event series.
Can I go back and add a client to a group event after it has been completed?
Yes, however the client will not receive a notification of this.