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Set yourself up for success by setting your Invoice preferences for your business information, your client's information, and more! This article will show you how to set yourself apart from your competitors by setting your invoice preferences for that professional final bill of sale that you share with your clients.
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To start setting up your Invoices Settings, go to Settings > Payments > Invoice & Estimates
Business Information
Enter your business information. This data will show in the header of your invoices, estimates, and receipts. You will want to include your billing address, phone, website URL, tax ID, and any other important information.
Custom 'To Section'
In the custom 'to section', you can choose the information you would like displayed for the contact. For the 'bill to' section select from the contact fields, the information you want to display under your invoice ‘Bill to’ section.
You can also set the information you'd like to display about the job or individual that received the service(s) or product(s) to the right of to the 'Bill to' info. (Depending on your business, the business term used differs. Examples of terms are clients, patients, vehicles, jobs, projects, etc.)
Not seeing a field that you need to be listed on the invoice, refer to this how-to guide for assistance with adding a contact or job/individual field to Thryv Business Center.
You can add, remove or re-order job fields.
- To add fields, select add contact fields or add job fields, the available fields will appear for you to select. If you need to add a field, go back to Settings > Job/Individual & Contact Info. Refer to this how-to guide for assistance with adding a contact or job/individual field to Thryv Business Center.
- To remove fields from these sections, hover over the field, and select the trash icon.
- To re-order fields, select add fields, and drag fields into the desired order.
Terms & Conditions
If your business has terms & conditions for invoices, you can add those to the invoice terms and conditions section. The terms & conditions will show on the bottom part of the invoice.
Default Net Terms/ Due Date
Set the default net terms for when payment is due for all invoices by selecting between the options due on receipt or due at a set custom number of days.
To change your default date, simply select the radio button next to "Due in ___ days", and then select the days of your choice to default to.
Allow Partial Payment
Determine the default if you will allow partial payments for your all your invoices. This can be changed for individual invoices at invoice creation.
If you allow partial payments, you can also set a minimum percentage for partial payments so your client cannot make a payment below that set percentage.
Sales Tax
In the sales tax section, you can set and manage the tax types and rates you want to apply to invoices, estimates & receipts. Tax amounts will be displayed in the estimate subtotal.
You can also set your preference for how taxes display on your invoices.
By default, tax amounts will be displayed in the invoice subtotal.
If you would like to add tax detail to line items you can toggle 'display taxes per item' on.
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