Keep your customer information up to date across Thryv Business Center™ and your MYOB AccountRight software without the manual hassle. With this integration, you can sync every invoice or payment made in Thryv Business Center directly to the contact in your MYOB AccountRight.
Note: This integration is currently only available in Australia
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Installation Guide
To start the install go to the App Market tab on the left-hand navigation and select the MYOB AccountRight app from the app list. Then select launch this app. The next screen will outline the permissions that the app needs.
Check the box notating that you agree to the terms & conditions.
Select Connect to MYOB AccountRight.
The next screens outline the options you have to for the initial sync and for the ongoing sync with the MYOB AccountRight app.
Determine what historical data you would like to sync from MYOB to Business Center and from Business Center To MYOB:
Toggle the options to yes or no for what you would like to sync with the app:
- Sync all historical Invoices from Thryv Business Center to MYOB
- Sync all historical Invoices from MYOB to Thryv Business Center
- Sync all historical Payments from Thryv Business Center to MYOB
- Sync all historical Payments from MYOB to Thryv Business Center
Select next.
Determine what items you would like to sync ongoing from MYOB to Business Center and from Thryv Business Center To MYOB:
Toggle on what you would like to sync with the app:
- Create ongoing sync of Invoices from Thryv Business Center to MYOB
- Create ongoing sync of Invoices from MYOB to Thryv Business Center
- Create ongoing sync of Payments from Thryv Business Center to MYOB
- Create ongoing sync of Payments from MYOB to Thryv Business Center
Select update.
In the following screen, log in to MYOB AccountRight and select the company you like to sync.
Select continue.
If the sync is successful, you will receive this screen:
Select continue to exit app installation. Your MYOB AccountRight app is now installed.
The initial sync of historical data is in progress. You will be notified via a message to the Thryv Business Center inbox with the initial sync is complete.
What to expect from sync
The MYOB AccountRight app can sync customers, invoices, and payments. The ongoing sync information coming from MYOB to Thryv Business Center will occur hourly, and information syncing from Thryv® to MYOB will occur after a few minutes after the creation of a new customer, invoice, or payment.
Contacts Sync
If you chose to sync contacts, when contact is created in Thryv Business Center the integration will create that contact in MYOB AccountRight. And when you create a contact in MYOB AccountRight, the app will create that contact in Thryv Business Center.
- The contact's first name, last name, email, and address will sync.
- The contact must have an email in order to sync.
- The contact's initial creation will sync between the app. Any updates to the contact will not sync, unless an invoice or payment is issued to that contact.
MYOB AccountRight Contact Synced to Thryv Business Center
- If there is a different billing address from the shipping address. The shipping address will be injected into Thryv Business Center.
- When a contact is created in MYOB AccountRight and synced to Thryv Business Center the source on the contact will show MYOB AccountRight Live Integration.
- To navigate to a contact source, go to the contact, under contact info select show more. The source is listed in the additional info section.
Thryv Business Center Contact Sync'd to MYOB AccountRight
- The contact in MYOB AccountRight will have the designation of company, which you can update or leave as is.
- The designation of a contact does not impact functionality.
- The contact's first and last name will appear without a space between, ex. ErinGoodman. This is the expected format for the integration.
If you chose to sync invoices, when an invoice is created in Thryv Business Center it will create a copy of the invoice in MYOB AccountRight. And when you create an invoice in MYOB AccountRight, the app will create a copy of the invoice in Thryv Business Center.
- Invoices that sync from MYOB to Thryv Business Center will display both the Thryv Business Center invoice number and the MYOB invoice number.
- Invoices that sync from Thryv Business Center to MYOB will show ' thryv1Thryv Invoices' in the account section of the MYOB invoice.
- A synced invoice is only a copy of the Thryv Business Center invoice, so receipts are not triggered to the client in MYOB. (Receipts are triggered from Thryv Business Center when created in Thryv Business Center.)
- Notes created in either platform will not sync to the copied invoice.
If you choose to sync payments, when a payment is collected or created in Thryv Business Center it will create a copy of the payment in MYOB AccountRight. And when you create a payment in MYOB AccountRight, the integration will create a copy of the payment in Thryv Business Center.
Update App Sync Preferences
Go to the App Market tab on the left-hand navigation and select the MYOB AccountRight app from the app list. Then select launch this app. The next screen will outline the permissions that the app needs.
Check the box notating that you agree to the terms & conditions.
Select Connect to MYOB AccountRight.
The next screen outlines the options you have to sync with the MYOB AccountRight app.
Toggle the options to yes or no for what you would like to sync with the app:
- Invoices from Thryv Business Center to MYOB
- Invoices from MYOB to Thryv Business Center
- Payments from Thryv Business Center to MYOB
- Payments from MYOB to Thryv Business Center
After making your selections, select Re-Authenticate.
You will receive a successfully updated message.
How often will the app sync information? The sync from MYOB AccountRight to Thryv Business Center will occur hourly. The sync from Thryv Business Center to MYOB will be a few minutes.
Which address is injected into Thryv Business Center from MYOB AccountRight, if there is a different shipping and billing address? If the shipping address is different than the billing address, the shipping address will get priority and be the address in Thryv Business Center.
What will sync in the app? The MYOB AccountRight app can sync customers, invoices, and payments from MYOB to Thryv Business Center and vice versa from Thryv Business Center to MYOB.
What will sync in the initial sync? The MYOB app initial sync will pull all historical data from Thryv Business Center -> MYOB or vice versa, MYOB -> Thryv Business Center.
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