Create contacts for new customers that reach out to you via SMS or on your phone line and reply to them from your Thryv® inbox. The Twilio app allows Thryv users to receive notifications in their inbox for contacts that already exist in Thryv for incoming SMS and inbound phone calls, and it will create contacts in Thryv if the contact does not exist by phone number.
App Requirements: A Twilio account & Twilio phone number.
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Installation Guide
To use this integration you will need to have an account and phone number provisioned by Twilio.
To start the install go to the App Market tab on the left-hand navigation and select the Twilio app from the app list. Then select launch this app. The next screen will outline the permissions that the app needs.
Check the box notating that you agree to the terms & conditions.
Select Connect to Twilio.
The next screen is the Settings screen.
You will need to retrieve the Access token and Account SID from your Twilio Account and copy them into this settings screen.
To grab your Twilio Access token and Account SID, go to your Twilio account.
Select the Home icon > Settings > General. The Access token and Account SID are under the API Credentials. Copy and paste these from Twilio to the app settings screen.
Once you have these IDs, select Set Twilio Tokens.
Once accepted tokens, your Twilio phone number will display.
Now you can set your app preferences.
Toggle the options to yes or no for what you would like to sync with the app:
- Would you like to sync incoming Twilio phone calls with Thryv?
- Would you like to sync incoming Twilio SMS messages with Thryv?
- Would you like to enable the Spam Filter?
- The spam filter will queue incoming calls and SMS from contacts that do not already exist in your Thryv. The spam filter will allow you to edit contact information and create a contact in Thryv by releasing the contact from your queue or allow you to delete spam calls and messages right from the app.
Submit Settings.
If everything was submitted correctly, you will get this success message.
You are ready to roll! Go ahead and send yourself a test call to see how it injects into Thryv.
If you enabled the spam filter, make sure to check back so that you can release call logs for clients that are not already in your Thryv.
What to Expect from Sync
This app is designed to send the default staff assignee a notification to the Thryv inbox when a call or SMS is received from Twilio. The app will search for a contact by phone number, if the contact does not exist, the contact will be created in Thryv.
Calls & SMS/Test message injected from Twilio
When a client calls or sends an SMS/text to your Twilio phone number, a Thryv notification will be sent to your Thryv inbox, and the call details will be posted in the conversation with that contact.
The call details will document the phone number the client called, the caller ID name, timestamp, duration, and caller location. These details available for each caller will vary by what caller information the contact allows to be sent from their cell phone provider.
If a client contacts you on your Twilio number and you do not get a notification to your Thryv inbox, please check your Twillio App Spam Filter, as it is probably waiting for your there.
Twilio App Spam Filter
The spam filter will queue incoming calls and SMS from contacts that do not already exist in Thryv. The spam filter will allow you to edit contact information and create a contact in Thryv by releasing the contact from your queue or allow you to delete spam calls and messages right from the app.
If you enabled the spam filter, make sure to check back so that you can release call logs for clients that are not already in your Thryv. Worried you won't remember to check back? We got you! You will receive a daily reminder to your Thryv inbox to check your Twilio App Spam Filter.
Release a contact from Spam Filter
Edit the contact by selecting the pencil icon next to First Name, Last Name, or Email fields.
- In order to release a contact, you must add the first name.
- Check the box to Release.
- Select Sumit Queue.
Delete a call/message from Spam Filter
- On the line for that call or message, check the box Delete.
- Select Submit Queue.
Disable the Spam Filter
In the app, select Settings at the top right.
On the last question, would you like to enable the Spam Filter, toggle to No.
This will turn off the filter for your account and call logs and SMS/text messages from phone numbers not recognized by your Thryv will flow into the Thryv inbox.
- WARNING! If you have call logs and messages in your Spam Filter and you disable it, that will permanently delete all of the current entries. (These cannot be recovered.)
Update App Sync Preferences
To update app sync preferences go to the App Market tab on the left-hand navigation and select the Twilio app from the app list. Then select launch this app. The next screen will outline the permissions that the app needs.
Check the box notating that you agree to the terms & conditions.
Select Connect to Twilio.
Toggle the options to yes or no for what you would like to sync with the app:
- Would you like to sync incoming Twilio phone calls with Thryv?
- Would you like to sync incoming Twilio SMS messages with Thryv?
- Would you like to enable the Spam Filter?
- Quarantine/Spam filtering option- If selected all incoming SMS and Calls from contacts not already in Thryv by phone number will be placed in quarantine until the user updates contact info and releases it.
Submit Settings.
You'll be taken back to the Spam Filter. Your new preferences are saved and you are good to go.
The Twilio App can be uninstalled from the Settings screen. Navigate to settings and click on Unsubscribe in the top right. You will be asked one time to confirm, and then the app will be uninstalled.
Will a voicemail left on my Twilio phone number inject into Thryv?
No. A recording of a voicemail will not inject into Thryv, on the log of the call for that voicemail. You will need to refer to whatever app or phone number you are using to listen to the voicemail.
Can I get help with setting up call forwarding for my Twilio account?
Please refer to this Twilio support guide to assist with setting up call forwarding.
If I disable the Spam Filter, will it delete all the logged calls in it?
Yes. Please release any call logs from the Spam Filter before disabling it. The information that is not released will be permanently deleted and not recoverable.
A client called/texted me and I didn't get a notification to my Thryv. Where is the call/message log?
The call log/or message is most likely in the Twilio App Spam Filter if you have that enabled. The Twilio App Spam Filter will capture information for clients, that are not already in your Thryv. It will also capture if a client contacts you from a phone number different than what is saved on their client contact.
Will outgoing calls from my Twilio number inject into Thryv?
No, only incoming calls and SMS/texts will inject into Thryv.
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