You can import multiple items and associate them to a contact from a CSV/Excel file. We make this very easy to do in Thryv Business Center! Just follow the steps below:
Prepare the Spreadsheet/CSV Upload
- First, you will have to prepare an Excel or CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. Your file should be formatted as a table and must include a header that defines the fields in your table.
- If your CSV file contains special characters (or non-ASCII characters) it must be saved in UTF-8 encoding, otherwise, while attempting to upload the file, you will see an error message indicating a bad format.
To convert the file to the correct encoding, you should follow these steps:- Open the CSV file by using Notepad or another simple text editor.
- Click the File menu, and then click Save As.
- In the Encoding list, select UTF-8, and then click Save.
- For more detail on importing see article Step by Step Importing Clients
Pre-defined fields
Set the column header in your Excel/CSV file to match the fields in your Client Card:
- For client email address, the email column should be titled 'E-mail Address.'
- The file must include 'First Name' and 'Last Name' columns titled accordingly.
- A column titled 'Phone' and a column titled 'Address' will auto-populate the client phone number and address information in the Client Card.
- If you wish to import item tags, you can use a column titled 'Tags.'
Under the Tags column you can specify the possible tags values separated by a vertical bar ( | ) - e.g., tag1|tag2|tag3 - If your client list is in non-English languages, or if you use special characters in your list, use EXCEL file to upload the contact list
- Here is an example of what the column headers should look like.
- Include the contact fields and the work items or individuals all in the same excel.
- Include the contact fields and the work items or individuals all in the same excel.
Custom client fields
Other than the default information above, you can import additional client information. You just need to make sure that the names of the fields in your Client Card will match the column headers in your Excel file.
To add/edit the client card fields navigate to Settings>Client Card.
*Please note: Import contacts is not supported for IE 9 and older IE versions
Ready to Upload Your Spreadsheet?
- From the left navigation bar, click on Clients.
- Click on More Actions>Import Clients button.
- Select Get Started.
- Choose from where to import: Spreadsheet.
- Select Multiple
- Drag/Drop or Upload your spreadsheet with your contacts:
- You'll be asked to ensure that the fields in Thryv Business Center will match your upload. Match any fields that are blank.
- By default, the system will only import "new" contacts (clients that their email address doesn't exist in your account) and will not override existing clients' information. If you wish to overwrite your system client details, you can select to Override Existing before clicking on upload.
Please note that clients are identified according to their email addresses and not by name.
- That it! Your contacts and the work items or individuals associated with them are now importing. Depending on how many clients you have the import may take less than a minute or a few minutes. You can refresh your browser to see the imported data.
- You will receive an email that your contacts and work items or individuals have been successfully uploaded!