Need an idea for a coupon? Ask our User Community!
Incentivize your customers with a coupon when they visit your site. Upload a coupon image you already have, or build a new coupon using our coupon website builder. Coupons and promotions can be a great way to incentivize customers and stimulate interest in your business.
Add the Coupon widget onto your responsive website. To learn more about adding widgets to your website, see Adding Widgets. Once the widget has been placed, the Content Editor will appear.
Build a new coupon
- Set the title, discount offer, messaging, terms and conditions, expiration date, and button text for your coupon using the Content Editor.
- Click the design section to choose a different coupon layout, change colors, or add effects using the Design Editor.
Upload a coupon image
Click Upload Coupon Image to use any image for the coupon using our Choose and Place Images feature. Set the expiration date and button text.
The Coupon widget does not track coupon redemptions. While you are able to have customers redeem coupons by printing out the coupon or using the coupon up on a mobile device, there is no way to measure the number of coupons used during the promotion.