When you collect payment through ThryvPay™, Braintree, Stripe or Square, you can issue the refund directly from the payment page in the system. This action will refund the funds to the client. Note: If you have processed your payment using Square, directly, you will need to follow this article to process the refund.
Other payments that were "Marked as paid" could be "Marked as refunded."
First, navigate to Sales>Payments Received
Then, locate the payment you wish to refund
Finally, click on the tri-dots, and then Refund
A confirmation screen will appear, with important information about the refund. By default, the full amount will be selected. If you are issuing a partial refund, change the amount displayed. Note that you can toggle the $ to select a flat amount, or % to refund a percentage of the original payment. Any subsequent partial refunds will always be a percentage of the new amount remaining, not the original payment amount.
By default, the payment request associated with this payment will be closed if you refund the full amount. If you need to keep the payment request open, check the box to do so.
If this box is checked, and this payment was associated with an invoice or paid appointment, then Thryv will show that this client still owes the payment. If this box is checked in error, you will need to manually cancel the invoice.
You can add a note to this refund by clicking +Add internal note. This note will not be sent to your customer.
The status of the payment will change to partially refunded
This action can not be undone. In order to collect again from the client, a new payment needs to be taken.
Note: The refund button is only available to external clients of Thryv. No employee of Thryv will be able to process refunds on your account, per company policy.