Get started sending out professional online estimates to your clients today with the how-to guide for creating new estimates in Thryv Business Center.
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Create an Estimate
Thryv Business Center has multiple ways to start an estimate for a client.
- Select New Estimate from a Quick Action button.
- Select New Estimate from the contact card.
- Navigate to Sales >Estimates from the left navigation. Click on New and select Estimate
Select Contact, Individual, or Item to issue an invoice to.
If you start from the contact card, the estimate will create for that contact.
If you use the quick actions or create a new estimate from the sales tab, you will need to select the contact to issue the estimate to.
In the next screen select a contact, individual (i.e. client, patient, student, or pet), or item (i.e. job, project, opportunity, property).
If the client is new, you can add them by selecting + New Client (Property).
Edit Estimate
Once you've selected who to issue the estimate to, you will be brought to the estimate template.
To view the estimate header, select the arrow and it will expand that section.
- Edit options:
- Business address and info - select the pencil icon to change what is displayed on the estimate
- To modify the fields that display in the Bill To section, go to estimates settings.
- Modify the label of the estimate depending on how you refer to estimates in your business (i.e. quote, proposal, bid).
- Modify the expiration date.
- The default estimate expiration date is 30 days.
Start adding items to your estimate.
- The items can be existing services, or you can create new items to add to the invoice.
Add/Edit Items
If you need to add discounts or taxes to a line item, you can hover on the line you'd like to edit and select the pencil icon.
In the pop up window, you can edit the item details, i.e. name of the item, description, quantity, and price. Discount by % or $ can also be applied to the item along with multiple taxes if applicable. There is no character limit for item descriptions on estimates. Note that even if the description is cut off in your view in Thryv Business Center, the full description will show in the client's PDF.
You also are able to edit the order of the items already added to the estimate. To do so, click and hold on the handlebar on the left hand side of the item, and drag it to the desired space. You can click and drag to place the items in any order you would like.
Edit Terms & Notes
The terms and conditions for the estimate will appear if you select the drop-down arrow next to Terms & notes. By default, your estimate will have the same terms and conditions as saved in your Settings. To edit the terms and conditions for this estimate, click on Edit. This will change the terms and conditions for this estimate only.
Note: Click and drag the at the bottom right corner of the text box to change the size.
You can also add any notes for the invoice in the field beneath the Terms & Conditions.
- If you have a general note that you would like to be sent on all your estimates, you can save a note by checking the checkbox Save notes for future estimates.
- That will carry the same note over to any new estimate.
- You are able to remove or update your saved note at any time.
- To remove a 'saved note' > erase the note in the field (make it blank) > select the checkbox to save notes for future estimate > select save draft.
- Reopen the draft, the note to client field will be blank.
- Any new estimate note to client field will be blank.
- To update a 'save note' to a new saved note > delete the existing note > enter your new note, select the checkbox to save notes for future estimates.
- That new note will appear on all new estimates.
- To remove a 'saved note' > erase the note in the field (make it blank) > select the checkbox to save notes for future estimate > select save draft.
Require Signature
If you want to require a signature for a single estimate only, Click on Terms & Notes, in the drop-down, check the box saying estimate is required. Note: If your settings require a signature for all estimates, this will be checked by default. If you uncheck this box, it will exempt this estimate from requiring a signature. For a full guide on estimates requiring a signature, Click Here.
Review & Send
- Review estimate > select send, once complete.
Estimate Details
Once the estimate is sent, you'll be taken to the estimate details screen. All the details of this estimate are listed on this screen. To learn how to edit an estimate, refer to this how to guide.
Client View of an Estimate
Once the estimate is sent, the contact will receive an email.
You can customize this email by going to Settings > Email Templates > Payments > New Estimate.
From the email, the contact can select View Estimate or Send message to be taken to the client portal and view the details of the estimate.
Note: The URL on this screen can serve as a direct link to the estimate, which can be viewed even if the client is not logged into the client portal. This can be used to send the estimate to a different contact after it has been initially sent. Note that the estimate can not be approved by the client in this way as the client must be signed in to the portal for that.
From the client portal, the contact can accept their estimate, message the business, or download a PDF version of the estimate.
If a signature for estimates is required, the client will be required to sign their name digitally on their device.