Tagging a page on social media creates a clickable link in your post to the tagged page. Doing this in turn helps with your profile's exposure and engagement.
Note: For social channels other than X (formerly Twitter), you can only tag a business account and not a personal one.
First, create your post as normal. If you need a full guide to creating a post, Click Here.
When creating your post, ensure that Platform-Specific Captions are enabled.
When writing your caption, type @ followed by the page's handle. Select the page from the drop-down that appears.
From here, continue with your post as normal, and the page will be tagged when the post publishes.
Here are some additional considerations for specific platforms:
Instagram and X tagging:
Both of these platforms do not allow the drop down list of accounts to show. To tag for these platforms, simply type the "@" symbol, and copy/paste their username after. They won't show as tagged within Thryv, but they will tag when posted
Linkedin tagging:
Linkedin's API doesn't allow tagging of accounts with special characters. The list of characters not allowed are as follows:
|,{,}, @ (outside of the initial @), [,],(,),<,>,#,/,*,_,~
Instagram location tagging:
In order to tag any location, there must be a specific IG account associated with that location. If you're having trouble tagging a location, it's most likely because there's no IG account for that location.
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