Social content in Thryv is associated to one or more default connected social accounts. This means that when this content is published, it will be assigned to those platforms automatically. In your content library, you can quickly change the default accounts for multiple pieces of content at once!
To do this, navigate to your Content Library
Next, click on the Gear Icon and choose Bulk Operations.
In the window that appears, choose Select Default Accounts.
Next, click on Select Content.
To select content, click on its tile. You can select one or multiple pieces of content. In the bottom window, there are options to Select All Content, De-Select All Content, or Select Content by Content tag, which will select all content with the tag at once. Once your content is selected, click on Add X Items in the lower right corner.
You will be taken back to the previous window, with your content now selected. Use the Existing Accounts checkbox to decide whether you want to Remove existing default accounts for this content before adding the new ones. If this box is left unchecked, the new default accounts will simply be added.
Check the circle for each account you want to be added as default, or Select All Accounts. Once your accounts are selected, click on Add X Default Account(s).
Your bulk operation will begin. You may not see the change instantly, but you can close this window and continue working while it is complete.
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