This method will allow you to send a document to all or many of your clients at one time. It is required that your customers have opted into marketing messages in order to receive this message. Note that opting in to receive the message via SMS is a separate process
Start from Dashboard
1. Click on Documents
First you will need to upload your document to My Documents. If the document you are trying to send is already uploaded to Business Center, you can skip to Step #
3. Drag and drop your file in the space provided or click to browse
Clicking will bring up your device's file explorer. Select your document there.
4. Select a file from upload menu. Add a description if desired and click on Upload
6. Click on the Tri-Dots next to your document
7. Click on Copy public link
8. Click on Copy link
9. Click on Announcements
10. Click on Marketing
Now we are going to create an Announcement which will be used to send the document to your customer list
11. Click on Announcements
12. Click on New announcement
13. Click on Create a campaign. You are able to use either the Classic or the Pro Editor. What is important is that you select Custom URL for your action button
14. Give your announcement a name, and then paste the link for your document that was grabbed in the previous step into the URL field
15. Click on Create
16. From here, finish editing your campaign. When finished, click on Save
17. From here, finish the process of sending your campaign as normal, and your customers who are opted in will receive your document!