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We know how important it is to effectively engage your email recipients! One powerful way to achieve this is by incorporating action buttons into your email campaigns. These buttons provide a clear and enticing call to action, driving recipients to interact with your content in a meaningful way. In this guide, we'll show you how to create action buttons that make it easy for your customers to interact with the rest of your Business Center, helping you boost click-through rates and enhance user engagement.
To add an action button to your campaign, click on Button on the right rail and drag it to the desired column.
Once your button is added, you are able to customize it. To change the text that appears on the button, click directly on it. You can delete "button" and type your desired text.
You can also edit the Content Properties for your button on the right rail.
To change the action for this button, click on Edit Action
Your client portal actions will appear. Select your action for this button from the options shown.
Note: The text on your button will automatically change to match your action. You are able to customize the text as shown above.
You can also customize the width of the button. You can set the Auto Width toggle to On to automatically set the width. Or, if it is set to Off, use the slider to select a custom width, shown as a percentage of the row. Drag the slider to the right to make the button wider.
Use the font setting to edit your text. You can make this font different than the global font for your campaign, or change the font weight or size.
Use the color fields to edit the background color or text color for your button.
Use the Color Picker or enter a Hex Code in the field provided
You can also customize the alignment and spacing for your button text. Use these fields to make the text on this button appear exactly how you envision. Note that these settings only affect this button. Each button will have to be edited individually.
You can also add padding to your line. In design, "padding" refers to the space between the content (such as text or images) within an element (like a box or a container) and the inner edges of that element. It creates a visual buffer that helps to control the spacing and layout of elements on a webpage, enhancing readability and aesthetics.
By default, you can add padding to all sides equally. The higher the number, the more space is added. To add more detailed padding, set the More Options toggle to on, and you can choose the specific directions for your padding.
To add a border to your button, increase the size for the border above 0. Then, use the color picker to set a color for your border. Note that it must not be set to transparent or must be a different color from your button background in order to be seen. Set the More Options toggle to On to set a custom color for each side of the border.