Need to keep track of which documents are awaiting a signature from your clients? Or which ones are waiting for a signature from you? This guide will help you stay organized and keep track of the statuses of your pending signature requests.
Signatures Dashboard
Search and Filter
The dashboard gives an overview of your signature requests, including ones in progress, completed, or cancelled.
To search for a specific request, you can either search or use the available filters. When searching, you can search by either the Document Name or the Client Name
To filter your requests, click on the filter icon. Remember to click on Apply to apply your filter(s) to the current view
To change the view for your signature requests, click on the tiles across the top of the screen. Clicking a tile will display signature requests according to that filter.
To see a preview of the document, click on the Preview icon
Export Your Signatures
You are able to export all Signatures on the screen, or use the checkboxes to select certain signatures for export.
Once you have selected your signatures for export, click on the Export icon
On the next screen, determine whether to export your signatures in an Excel file or PDF. Note that only completed signatures can be exported by PDF. Once you've made your selection, click on Download
Your export will appear in your Downloads folder on your device, and a success banner will appear above the export button.
Understanding Signature Statuses
As your request goes through the process of being signed, it will be in several different statuses:
Draft - This signature template is in progress but has not yet been sent to your client for them to sign. To send the draft, click on the Send button
- Sent - The email with the signature request has been successfully sent to your customer, but not yet been opened.
Open - Your customer has opened your signature request
- If multiple signers are required on the document, it will remain in open status until All signers have completed signing it. If you hover over the Opened icon, you will see which signers have finished signing the document
- A signature in the Open status may be waiting on your signature. If so, the Sign button will appear next to it. Click on it to sign the document. For a guide to e-signing the document, Click Here
- Completed - All signers have signed the document. Click on Download to download a PDF of the signed document.
- Cancelled - This indicated that you or your staff have cancelled the signature request. This status can only be initiated by the business.
Rejected - This indicates that one of the signers has rejected the document. A rejected document can not be re-sent, you must send a new document request. The signer will be able to leave an optional comment about why the document was rejected.
- If a customer rejects a document, you will receive a notification by email including their reason for declining if they chose to leave one
Signature Actions
To take an action on a signature request, click on the tri-dots on the far right. Note that depending on the status of the signature request, not all options may be available. For example, a completed request can not be edited or cancelled, it can only be downloaded or deleted.
Cancel a Signature Request
To cancel a signature request, locate the desired signature and click on the Tri-Dots, then click on Cancel Request.
A confirmation screen will appear, and the signers of the request will be notified. Click on Yes to confirm. The request will remain in your dashboard but will be in the Cancelled status. When you cancel a document request, that request will be deducted from your total used requests.
Manage Your E-Signature Templates
To view your templates, click on the Templates tile on the far right. This will not display individual signature requests, but all of your saved templates.
To mark a template as a favorite, click on the star icon. To delete the template, click on the Tri-dots, then click on delete. Or, to make changes to it, click on the Tri-dots, then click on edit.
To send a signature request using a template, click on Select
Need to upgrade Signatures to send even more requests? Click Here for a full guide!
Can Signatures be added to estimates and invoices, or just documents?
Currently, Signatures only applies to Documents in Thryv. It is possible to require a signature for approval on an estimate, but these wouldn't appear in your Signatures dashboard and can not be customized or contain additional signers. Currently Invoices can not attach to Signatures
Can I change a document or template after it is signed?
No, once the signature process has started a document can not be edited. It must be deleted and you can start with a new document.
Can one of my signers opt to sign on paper?
No, paper and online signers can't be "mixed and matched." All signers must e-sign the document.