Make sure you're getting the most out of packages by redeeming your package credits every time. This guide will show how to use online booking to schedule your package services.
In order to redeem package credits when booking online, you must be logged into your client portal account.
Use Package Credits When Booking Online
Upon purchasing the package, the customer will receive an email with a link to Book Now Using Package. This button will automatically log them into their client portal and into your online scheduler
Customers can also book with their package through the client portal or through your online scheduler widget if enabled on your website
Note: When redeeming package credit through online booking, the customer must be logged in as a returning user. If the customer is not logged in, they will not be able to access their package credits.
In this scenario, when they enter the online scheduler, a button will appear at the top inviting them to book using their package credits.
If the customer has more than one package, they will be prompted to select which package they are using.
Note: If the customer only has one package, this screen will be skipped
When scheduling with a package, only services available in the package will be shown, and their remaining package credits will display next to each service.
Note: if their package only contains one type of service, this screen will be skipped and they will be taken right to the scheduler for that service
Once they have selected a service, they are able to select their staff member and book the appointment as normal, as prescribed in your online booking settings.
Note that there will not be a payment screen after the customer books the appointment, as the package credits have already been applied. The package credit will automatically be deducted from their available credits.
Booking for the client in Thryv Business Center
When you are scheduling the appointment for the client in Thryv Business Center, it is possible for you to use their package credits to book the appointment as well.
First, schedule the appointment as normal and select the client for whom you are redeeming the package.
In the appointment creation window, ensure that the box Pay with available package credits once appointment is complete. Note that this box will be checked by default. As long as this box is checked, the appointment will automatically be paid for with the available package credits.
In the event the appointment is scheduled without redeeming the package credits, or if you want to apply purchased package credits to a previous appointment. Click on the appointment, and then click on Redeem Package
Available package credit will automatically be applied to this appointment, and it will change to Paid. If you decide that you do not want to use package credits for this appointment, you can click on Refund Credit. The credit will be restored, and the appointment will require payment again
Looking for a guide to creating a package? Click Here
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