Getting Staff Involved with TeamChat?
I'm working with a business owner who collaborates with her staff through TeamChat. She is getting mixed results, some of them like to use the tool, while others don't see the value and prefer other methods. Has anyone else experience this? Any strategies for getting your staff on board with a central communication platform?
The best way I've experienced this is to lean into the fun side of TeamChat. At the end of the day, one of the main reasons people are on their phones is to stay connected socially and be entertained. To get your staff using TeamChat, set up Channels that are not work-related but simulate the kind of personal interactions co-workers might have. Some great topics that I've seen people use are:
- Pets (this one is always highly successful)
- Or shared hobbies/interests (like sports, video games, or what TV shows everyone is watching).
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Here's another fun tradition I've seen: Have fun with your Status updates. Did you know that the full list of emojis is included when making a status update? One tradition that I've seen used is for lunch breaks. Instead of the default emoji used, the whole staff uses the food emoji for what they're having for lunch. It's a fun little way to bond and show everyone what you're having for lunch and helps the team feel connected.