Report of products sold
Trying to track product inventory. Currently my office admin will go through invoices to determine what products were sold and to determine what we have in stock and hence what we need to order. This would be so much easier if a report or extract could be easily run each day of the products sold for the previous day or days.
Anyone have any luck getting something like this done? I've looked at the billing and invoicing exports but they just show the total invoice. I just want products sold. If it has to include all detail, including labor, that's fine.
Hi Ellen,
This is a great question. Unfortunately, Business Center does not include inventory management as a feature. However, I have come up with a workaround.
When you create your invoices, add the total of an item to the Product name in your invoice, this will show up when you export.
When you export your sales, products listed on an invoice will show under the title. You can use this column in your spreadsheet to count the total for each product sold. You can find the products/services included in the invoice in the Title column, and because you've added the quantity in the product name, you can tally them up faster.
While you're waiting on other users to see if they have had any luck finding another solution as you said, you can also share your feedback with us in the support center. We have other business owners wanting inventory/product tracking as well. Click "I want this," you will receive an email if we add this feature to the platform. For a step by step guide to sharing feedback you can click this link.
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