New Social it is asking Please choose a valid timezone under Brand Settings
Under New Social it is asking Please choose a valid timezone under Brand Settings. I am not seeing where that is.
Official comment
Kay and Sebastian, thank you both for your valuable feedback! We have streamlined this process to make it more visible to users. To update the time zone, you can now go to Social>Settings Icon>Brand Settings and you can select a time zone there.
Click Here for the updated guide! -
Hi Kay! Thanks for submitting your question. The option to change the time zone in the new social is located if you click on
Social --> Social Calendar (at the top) and click on the blue globe icon underneath, on the left hand corner.
You'll want to search for the region, add a slash "/" and the city. If the city has spaces, instead of spaces, you'll use underscore "_"
For example, for EST time zone in the U.S., You could type, "America/New_York" then select it from the drop down, and click the save button. Please see the screenshot below:1 -
Hello there Kay, thanks for letting us know! Our team is investigating this, and we will post the resolution here!