This guide assumes you have already installed the app to connect Facebook Messenger and Command Center. If you need a guide to do so, Click Here
1. Make sure you're logged into Command Center at and have integrated with our Facebook Messenger app. (If you've just finished setting up your integration you can click take me to my inbox).
2. Send a message to your integrated Facebook business page.
3. Wait just a moment and you will receive an automated response requesting an email to be entered into the chat. As for testing this app, there is no need for this to be a real email. It is simply used as a unique identifier so you will know who is sending the message.
4. Enter an email into the chat with no additional text.
5. Navigate back to Command Center, and refresh the page. You should now see a new message in your inbox. You will see the initial message you sent, as well as the message requesting the email and the email you entered.
6. From Command Center you can send a message back to the conversation from your inbox. You'll see some dots on the screen as it sends. Once the message is sent, you'll see it in your Facebook inbox.
7. Feel free to continue testing messages back and forth as much as you'd like! Don't forget to refresh the page to get the message to appear in the chat.