Managing your accounting between Thryv Business Center™ & Xero just got easier with this integration!
You can now use Business Center for all of your client-facing Invoices and Payments without having to re-enter all information into Xero.
This app will seamlessly sync all invoices and payments made in Thryv Business Center over to Xero, as well as keep your contact list up to date in Xero as you update current customers or create new ones in Thryv Business Center.
This app is only available for Australian users and is not available in the US, Canada, or New Zealand
Here is a map of how data will flow between Xero and Business Center. All fields in the table will sync to Thryv Business Center, while First Name, Last Name, Email, and Phone will sync to Thryv® Command Center.
Article Contents:
Before You Sync
Contacts must have an email field to import their contact information and associated payments or invoices from Thryv and from Xero
- If a contact in Thryv does not have an email > contact will not be created in Xero
- If a contact in Xero does not have an email > contact will not be created in Thryv.
- If there is missing information in Xero for the Last Name or Address fields, that field will have null in Thryv.
- In addition, if the contact does not have an email, no invoices or payments associated with that contact will sync either.
- Example of ideal contact:
- Contact has First Name, Last Name, Phone, Email, and Address so all populated in the Thryv client record.
Installation Guide
Locate Xero in the Marketplace
Grant Thryv the necessary permissions to connect Xero and Thryv Business Center.
Next, log into your Xero account. If you do not already have a Xero account, please click on Sign Up to create an account
Then grant permission to access to Xero
Next, make your selections regarding historical import of data from Xero and Thryv. Decide whether you would like to import existing contacts and transactions between both software. Also, make sure you select the date from which you want to sync historical invoices and payments from Xero. Any invoices or payments prior to this date will not sync
Next, make selections for the ongoing sync. Determine whether you would like to maintain ongoing created and updated clients between Thryv and Xero, along with ongoing invoices and payments.
IMPORTANT: Xero has two address fields in their contacts, one for a PO Box and one for a physical address. Only one address can sync over to Thryv. Here you will make the choice of which address field from Xero will be the one to sync to the address field in Thryv.
In order to sync between Thryv and Xero, Xero must contain accounts to import Thryv data into. New Xero accounts may need to be created in order for data from Thryv to sync to Xero. Use the Select Account drop down to select which account to sync invoices and payments to. Or, click on here to automatically create a new account in Xero with the account name Thryv Invoices/Payments to use for all of your payments and invoices.
Once you have made your selections click on Install
A success message will show when the sync between Thryv and Xero has begun. You will receive a notification in your inbox when the sync is complete. The time for the sync varies based on the amount of data that is being transferred
What To Expect From Sync
Now that you have successfully connected Thryv Business Center to Xero, here is what will happen next (according to the selections you made in the installation process):
- All current Thryv clients will be moved to Xero
- All current Xero clients will be moved to Thryv
- When a client is updated in one software, it will update in the other as well
- All previous invoices and payments associated with invoices in Thryv will be moved to Xero
- All previous invoices and payments in Xero will be moved to Thryv
- Note: Xero does not support unassociated payments. If a payment in Thryv is not associated with an invoice, it will not sync
- New contacts created in Thryv will also be created in Xero
- Note: If a client's address in Thryv is incomplete, the address will not sync to Xero
- New contacts created in Xero will also be created in Thryv
- New invoices sent in Thryv will also be created in Xero
- New payments taken in Thryv that are associated with an invoice will also be created in Xero
- New invoices sent in Xero will also be created in Thryv
- New payments taken in Xero will also be created in Thryv
*The sync from Thryv to Xero for payments is completed on an hourly interval, and the sync from Xero to Thryv happens on a 20 minute interval. The sync of an invoice, or client follows the same schedule.
- When a new client is created in Thryv, the display name in Xero will appear as FirstnameLastname, while the individual First and Last name fields will remain separate.
Any invoices created in Thryv will sync to Xero and vice-versa. The following information from each invoice will sync between softwares:
- Contact
- Description & Quantity
- Unit & Discount Amount
- Date Issued & Date Due
In the same way payments will sync from Thryv to Xero and vice-versa. The following information from each payment will sync between the softwares:
- Account
- Invoice Number
- Amount
- Date
Keep in mind that a payment not tied to an invoice will not sync to Xero, as Xero does not support unassociated payments.
Best Practices:
- High Thryver Tip: Before you start making invoices in Thryv, check the last invoice number you have in Xero, so you can set the Thryv Invoice to the next number, to keep everything in order. (Otherwise, Thryv will set the invoice. So if it is your 1st invoice in Thryv, the 1st invoice sent in Thryv and recorded in Xero online will be 1.)
- Recording a Payment NOT tied to an Invoice:
Keep in mind that a payment not tied to an invoice will not sync to Xero, as Xero does not support unassociated payments.
Taxes - Due to the way taxes are created in Xero, where Xero only allows one tax rate and Thryv can have multiple, users must create tax rates for the total tax rate on the invoice. For example:
- If an invoice transfers from Thryv to Xero with an 8% State tax and a 2.5% City tax, you should add these together and create one tax rate of 10.5%
Unique Line Items - make sure that all of your line item titles (services and products) are unique, as Xero does not accept duplicate line item titles
- Example: If your invoice contains 2 of the same service, do not enter each service one time on its own line. Instead, enter the service on 1 line and change the quantity to 2.
Is the Sync between Thryv and Xero 2 way?
Yes! Both the one time sync of historical data and the ongoing sync of future data can be configured as an ongoing 2 way sync.
Is email required to sync contacts between Thryv and Xero?
Yes. Email address is the unique identifier in Thryv and as such if no email is present in one software, that client will not be created in the other software
If I create an estimate in Thryv, will a quote be created in Xero?
Estimates in Thryv and Quotes in Xero do not sync back and forth at this time
Can I sync a payment in Thryv without an invoice to Xero?
No, because Xero does not support payments without an invoice issued. A payment without an invoice will not sync from Thryv to Xero.
- While logged into Thryv, navigate to the Marketplace
- Select Xero within Integrations
- Click on Launch App
- Accept Terms and Conditions and click Connect to Xero
- Within the Historical Import Options screen, click on Uninstall in the upper right hand corner