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Centralize your business communications by installing Calls in Thryv® Command Center. You're able to call your customers and receive voicemails, all in the same software you use to communicate every day.
To install Calls, click on the Calls Icon on the left-hand navigation, or click on the Add Channel Button and select Calls from the available channels.
Note: Installing Calls by either method still counts against your available channels included in your plan.
Click on Reserve A Number to get started.
A window will appear to get started. Follow the prompts here to acquire a number to user for calls and voicemail.
To start, enter your area code, and we will attempt to procure a number to use within your existing area code (note that depending on the area code this is not always possible).
You will be assigned a unique phone number to use. You are able to click Use This Number and start making phone calls right away.
Note: Once a number is assigned to your Thryv Command Center account, it can not be changed
There is a small chance that there may not be any numbers available in your area code. In this case, a window will appear asking you to enter a different area code to search for a number.
After this, your number will be assigned and you will be able to start making and receiving phone calls from Thryv Command Center right away!
Am I able to change my Thryv Command Center phone number?
No, once your number is assigned it can not be changed.
If I receive a call to my Thryv Command Center number, will my phone ring?
Yes, as long as you have the Thryv Command Center mobile app installed on your device, and you are logged in. To prevent unauthorized parties from receiving calls, you must be logged in to receive calls. See this Community Post on the subject
What happens if I receive a call but don't answer?
The caller will have the opportunity to leave you a voicemail, which Thryv Command Center will automatically transcribe for you.
Can I transfer my existing business number to Thryv Command Center?
No, Calls will generate a new number for you to use. It is not possible to transfer an existing number
Can I have separate extensions on my Calls number?
No, only one phone number will be shared for the entire Thryv Command Center account