Make sure you and your staff have access to everything you need to get the job done in your Thryv® Command Center settings.
Article Contents
Reset Your Password
Use the Reset Password button to change your password.
Note: To reset your password using this method, you must know your current password. If you have truly forgotten your current password, them log out of Command Center and click the Forgot Password button on the login screen.
You will be prompted to enter your current password, then enter your new password. After confirming your new password, click on Reset.
Add Staff Accounts
From this screen you are also able to add staff accounts. To do so, click on the Add Staff + button.
In the window that appears, add your staff member's information. In the staff role drop-down, select a role for this staff member.
Then, toggle this staff member's access to your connected channels. Each channel can be toggled individually, Click Here for a full guide to channel permissions
Once you have entered the necessary information, click on Save
Connect Channels to your Inbox
You are also able to connect channels to your inbox from this screen. To get started click on Connect Channels
From here the channel connection screen will appear. Click Connect on a channel's tile to connect it. The process will vary depending on the channel, Click Here for a list of guides to connecting each channel.
Does adding a staff member in Thryv Command Center also add them to Thryv Business Center™?
Yes, they will be added with their Thryv Command Center role. However, Thryv Business Center offers more roles than Thryv Command Center. If you want to use one of these roles, they will need to be changed in Thryv Business Center. If a role is selected in Thryv Business Center that does not exist in Thryv Command Center, then their role in Thryv Command Center will not change.
Does adding a staff member automatically add them to TeamChat?
Yes! They are able to start using it right away
If I delete a staff member, does that delete all of their previous interactions with my customers?
No, those conversations remain so that you have a full history available.
Can my staff members reset their own passwords?
Yes! The best way is for them to log out of Thryv Command Center and click the forgot password button on the login screen